The mission of the DDAR (Division of Development and Alumni Relations) Staff Support Committee is to provide DDAR Staff Support with the tools and resources needed to perform their duties while empowering confidence and positive motivation.
Introduction and Purpose:
As a result of the 2013 survey of staff support training needs, a committee comprised of staff supporting the mission of DDAR was established for the purpose of identifying training, and networking opportunities for those who serve as staff support personnel for the Division of Development and Alumni Relations. It will be through the efforts and direction of this committee that future staff support training subjects and networking opportunities will be identified, driven, and scheduled to fit the needs of our group.
Committee Objectives:
- Organize training, retreats and networking opportunities for DDAR staff support;
- Serve as an advocate for the staff support of the division;
- Act in an advisory capacity to the division’s leadership;
- Serve as a liaison between staff support and the leadership of the division;
- Provide input on issues affecting staff and the division;
- Foster a spirit of unity, cooperation, and professionalism.